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Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift

Publication date: 2006-01-01
Volume: 60 Pages: 310 - 328
Publisher: Boekencentrum Uitgevers


Wisse, Maarten


2204 Religion and Religious Studies


This article aims to reassess the relevance of Augustine’s theology for contemporary theological discussion. The author argues for an ‘Augustinian paradigm’ that provides a helpful alternative to popular ways of doing theology. First, the theological paradigms of contemporary trinitarian and negative theology are introduced in terms of the role that Augustine plays in these theologies, a negative and a positive role, respectively. Second, building upon Augustine’s theology mainly as found in De Trinitate, the Augustinian alternative is presented and defended over its rivals. It is argued that in Augustine’s theology, God’s unique identity guarantees the fundamental difference between Creator and creature, while at the same time as Creator, God provides creatures with a trinitarian identity that makes them dependent on God and fellow creatures.