1996 World Congress on Osteoporosis, Date: 1996/05/18 - 1996/05/23, Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Publication date: 1996-01-01
Volume: 1118 Pages: 209 - 213
ISSN: 0-444-82276-3
Publisher: Elsevier; United Kingdom

International Congress Series


Cheng, XG
Lowet, G ; Boonen, Steven ; Nicholson, PHF ; Brys, P ; Nijs, Jos ; Dequeker, J ; Papapoulos, SE ; Lips, P ; Pols, HAP ; Johnston, CC ; Delmas, PD


mechanical analysis of bone and bone-implant structures, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism, cortical area, hip fracture, osteoporosis