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DTEW - KBI_0737

Publication date: 2007-01-01
Publisher: K.U.Leuven - Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics; Leuven (Belgium)


Goossens, Nico
Krishnamurthy, Ananth ; Vandaele, Nico


queueing, fork/join, synchronization, assembly systems, closed queuing networks


Fork/join stations are commonly used to model synchronization constraints in queuing network models of computer and manufacturing systems. This paper presents an exact analysis of a fork/join station in a closed queuing network with inputs from multi-server stations with two-phase Coxian service distributions. The underlying queue length process is analyzed exactly to determine performance measures such as through put, and distributions of the queue length at the fork/join station. By choosing suitable parameters for the two-phase Coxian distributions, the effect of variability in inputs on system performance is studied. The study reveals that for several system configurations, analysis of the simpler system with exponential inputs provides efficient approximations for performance measures. Both, the exact analysis and the simple approximations of fork/join systems constitute useful building blocks for developing efficient methods for analyzing large queuing networks with fork/join stations.