10th European Junior Scientist Workshop on 'deterioration of the built environment: buildings, roads and water systems', Date: 1997/05/01 - 1997/05/05, Location: Tautra, Norway

Publication date: 1997-01-01


Luyckx, Gert
Berlamont, Jean ; Torfs, H


combined sewer overflows, Emission, Field data, Numerical and Physical modelling


In Flanders (Belgium) an important research project is carried out by the KUleuven, together with several other research institutes, to determine the impact of combined sewer overflows (CSO's) on receiving waters. The aims of this project are:- setting up a measurement program (both water quality and quantity) at three existing overflows.- study the local impact of the overflows on the receiving water course.- study mathematical models that predict CSO emission- Optimization of the selected ancillaries by means of physical modelsThree sites have been selected: one storage-sedimentation tank and two high-side weirs. Measuring-equipment is being installed. At these three sites, several important overlow parameters will be measured: discharged, pollutant concentrations, rainfall...The emission at the three selected sites will be modeled using different types of numerical models. A necessary input for thes models is rainfall data. In the framework of the project an effort will be made to digitize existing old rainfall data.Finally physical models of certain types of CSO-structures will be tested in the lab in order to improve theri design. In a next phase the slected high-side weirs will be improved, using the results from the scale model tests. The same set of measurements will be repeated toe evvaluate the effect of the improvements.