Archives of Public Health

Publication date: 2006-01-01
Volume: 64 Pages: 27 - 48
Publisher: Archives Belges de Médecine Sociale / Belgisch Archief van Sociale Geneeskunde


Moens, Guido
Mylle, G ; Johannik, K ; De Raeve, Hilde ; Stragier, Y ; Viaene, B ; Lahaye, Diederik ; Jacques, P


analysis, Occupational Health, 1117 Public Health and Health Services, Public Health, 4202 Epidemiology, 4204 Midwifery, 4206 Public health


A research project financed by the Federal Services for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (SSTC-project ST/93/003) proved that it is meaningful to routinely register data about health and exposure, that is if a number of guidelines are followed for the optimal and qualitative registration and analysis of these data pertaining to health in the workplace. An important aim of the subsequent project (SSTC-projed PS/93/06) is to put these guidelines together and to distribute them. These guidelines relate, among others, to the following aspects: - defining the goals of the registration, - standardising (a.o. internationally), - assuring quality and quality-control, - epidemiological methodology and applicability, - privacy.