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Nuclear medicine and biology

Publication date: 2002-07-01
Volume: 29 Pages: 585 - 92
Publisher: Elsevier


Verbeke, Kristin
Verbeke, Annelies ; Vanbilloen, H ; Verbruggen, Alfons


Animals, Granulocytes, Humans, Male, Mice, Models, Chemical, Oligopeptides, Organotechnetium Compounds, Radioligand Assay, Radiopharmaceuticals, Reproducibility of Results, Sensitivity and Specificity, Tissue Distribution, Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging, ethylene dicysteine, chemotactic peptide, preformed chelate, CHEMOTACTIC PEPTIDE ANALOGS, IMAGING FOCAL SITES, BACTERIAL-INFECTION, IN-VIVO, INFLAMMATION, LEUKOCYTES, AGENT, BIODISTRIBUTION, RATS, Radionuclide Imaging, 1103 Clinical Sciences, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging, 3202 Clinical sciences


For-Met-Leu-Phe-Lys (For-MLFK), a chemotactic peptide that binds with high affinity to granulocytes and monocytes, was labeled with 99mTc using ethylene dicysteine (EC) as the metal chelating system. EC was selected because of the rapid renal excretion of its 99mTc-complex and therefore, was expected to enhance the degree of urinary elimination of the peptide-conjugate. 99mTc-EC-For-MLFK was prepared using a preformed chelate approach. After incubation of 99mTc-EC-For-MLFK with total blood, 68.1% of the labeled peptide was associated with WBC and 86% of this cell-associated activity was bound to granulocytes. Biodistribution studies in normal mice revealed a very fast blood clearance (4.1% and 0.6% of I.D. in blood at respectively 5 and 60 min p.i.). However, elimination of the labeled peptide proceeds mainly via the hepatobiliary system (24.5% of I.D. in liver and 48.8% of I.D. in intestines at 60 min p.i.) and to a much lower degree via the kidneys (17.9% in renal system at 60 min p.i.). From these results, it is concluded that 99mTc-EC-For-MLFK is not suited to image infections, despite its high binding to granulocytes, since it leads to high, non-specific, abdominal activity.