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International colloquium ‘The Wanderstudent 2000 - The wanderstudent of 1425 revived in virtual reality in 2000? Towards a European virtual university’, Date: 2000/10/20 - 2000/10/21, Location: Leuven, Belgium

Publication date: 2001-01-01
Pages: 88 - 90
ISSN: 90-5867-156-9
Publisher: Leuven University Press

The Wanderstudent 2000 / ed. by Van der Perre, G. and Vandevelde, P. - Leuven: Universitaire Pers


Vermeire, Lea
Ketels, Marc ; De Schreye, Danny ; Frimout, Dirk ; Joniau, Marcel ; Schatteman, Paul ; Van der Perre, Georges ; Van Heddegem, Joannes ; Wambacq, Patrick ; Van der Perre, Georges ; Vandevelde, Patricia




Artificial Intelligence and Beyond is a post-academic seminar series, started in a cross-fertilizing collaboration between partners from an industrial trust, a university, and a university network for e-communication. The seminars are offered in a life multi-point European virtual auditorium by means of ISDN videoconferencing. This poster is a call for participating sites.