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Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Publication date: 2007-01-01
Volume: 43 Pages: 599 - 610
Publisher: Academic press inc elsevier science


Spruyt, Adriaan
Hermans, Dirk ; De Houwer, Jan ; Vandekerckhove, Joachim ; Eelen, Paul


affective priming, naming task, evaluative categorization task, implicit association test, predictive validity, indirect attitude measures, attitudes, extra-personal associations, choice behavior, automatic activation, spreading activation, pronunciation task, social cognition, responses, information, stimuli, word, Social Sciences, Psychology, Social, Psychology, IMPLICIT ASSOCIATION TEST, AUTOMATIC ACTIVATION, SPREADING ACTIVATION, PRONUNCIATION TASK, SOCIAL COGNITION, RESPONSES, INFORMATION, STIMULI, WORD, 1701 Psychology, 1702 Cognitive Sciences, Social Psychology, 5205 Social and personality psychology


Recent studies have revealed that robust and replicable affective priming of naming responses can be obtained when pictures are used as primes and targets. The aim of the present research was to examine the predictive validity of affective priming effects that are obtained with the picture-picture naming task. In two studies that were modeled after [Karpinski, A., & Hilton, J. L. (2001). Attitudes and the Implicit Association Test. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81, 774-778], we observed that individual difference scores that are obtained with the naming task exhibit good predictive validity. Both practical and theoretical implications of this finding are discussed. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.