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ACM transactions on graphics

Publication date: 2003-07-01
Volume: 22 Pages: 651 - 656
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery


Adams, Bart
Dutré, Philip


free-form modeling, boolean operations, surfels, point-based geometry, rendering system, point, polygon, Science & Technology, Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering, Computer Science, RENDERING SYSTEM, POINT, POLYGON, 0801 Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, 0806 Information Systems, Software Engineering, 4607 Graphics, augmented reality and games


In this paper we present an algorithm to perform interactive boolean operations on free-form solids bounded by surfels. We introduce a fast inside-outside test to check whether surfels lie within the bounds of another surfel-bounded solid. This enables us to add, subtract and intersect complex solids at interactive rates. Our algorithm is fast both in displaying and constructing the new geometry resulting from the boolean operation.