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The Journal of membrane biology.

Publication date: 1982-02-01
Volume: 63 Pages: 243 - 54


Gögelein, H
Van Driessche, Willy


Animals, Electric Conductivity, Epithelium, Gallbladder, Ion Channels, Membrane Potentials, Necturus, Potassium, Sodium, Tetraethylammonium Compounds, 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 0605 Microbiology, 1108 Medical Microbiology, Physiology


Current noise power spectra of the voltage-channel (V = 0) Necturus gallbladder, exposed to NaCl-Ringer's on both sides contained a relaxation noise component, which overlapped with a 1/f alpha noise component, with alpha being about 2. Substitution of all Na+ by K+ on either the serosal or mucosal side increased the relaxation as well as the 1/f alpha noise component considerably. In Necturus gallbladder both noise components are reduced by addition of 10 mM, 2,4,6-triaminopyrimidine (TAP) or 5 mM BA2+ to the mucosal side, as well as by acidification of the mucosal solution to pH 5 and lower. Five mM of tetraethylammonium (TEA+) added to the mucosal solution, abolished K+ relaxation noise and decreased the 1/f alpha noise component. Applying a Cs+ concentration gradient across the epithelium did not yield relaxation noise. However, if Rb+ was substituted for all Na+ on one side, a Lorentzian noise component appeared in the spectrum. Its plateau was smaller than with KCl-Ringer's on the respective side. These data confirm the existence of fluctuating K+ channels in the apical membrane of the Necturus gallbladder. Furthermore it can be concluded that these channels have the permeability sequence K+ greater than Rb+ greater than Cs+. The inhibition of the fluctuations by mucosal acidification indicates the existence of acidic sites in the channel. The single-channel conductance was estimated to be between 6.5 and 40 pS.