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Journal of industrial economics

Publication date: 2004-03-01
Volume: 52 Pages: 27 - 52
Publisher: Blackwell publ ltd


Bouckaert, B
Degryse, Hans


information, costs, banking, choice, model, entry, trade, Social Sciences, Business, Finance, Economics, Business & Economics, INFORMATION, COSTS, CHOICE, ENTRY, 1401 Economic Theory, 1402 Applied Economics, 1403 Econometrics, 3801 Applied economics, 3803 Economic theory


We show that competing banks relax overall competition by inducing borrowers to switch lenders. We illustrate our findings in a two-period model with adverse selection where banks strategically commit to disclosing borrower information. By doing this, they invite rivals to poach their first-period market. Disclosure of borrower information increases the rival's second-period profits. This dampens competition for serving the first-period market.