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32Ar decay, a search for exotic current contributions in weak interactions: The WISArD experiment

Publication date: 2021-06-29


Araujo-Escalona, Victoria Isabel
Severijns, Natalis ; Blank, Bertram


High precision measurements in the β-γ angular correlation in nuclear β -decay provide a unique window into the physics beyond the Standard Model. Using this approach, we propose to probe the existence of exotic currents (scalar) in the weak interaction via the study of β-delayed protons emitted in the 32Ar decay. The new WISARD (Weak Interaction Studies in ARgon-32 Decay) experiment reutilizes the former WITCH superconducting magnet at ISOLDE/CERN to measure with high precision the protons and positrons from the decay on either side of a catcher foil, in which the radioactive sample will be implanted. The proton detection in both hemispheres of the superconducting magnet will give information about the kinematic energy shift, which will be more or less pronounced as a function of the possible scalar current component of the weak interaction compared to the dominant vector current responsible for "Fermi-type" decay.