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Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal

Publication date: 2020-05-30
Volume: 18
Publisher: European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies Environment and Power Quality


Willockx, Brecht
Herteleer, Bert ; Cappelle, Jan


Agrovoltaic systems (combination of biomass production and electricity production by photovoltaics (PV)) are typically installed in locations with high insolation and/or arid climates in order to protect the crops against drought and sunburn. However, even in Belgium with a temperate maritime climate, summers are getting warmer and dryer, with reduced crop yields as result. This paper describes the first agrovoltaic prototype in Belgium. By use of a coupled simulation program developed in Python, a checkerboard panel arrangement was selected as an initial validation, in order to have a homogeneous ground radiation and crop growth. Potatoes were grown below the PV modules and the microclimate was measured. Results show lower temperatures below the PV modules and less transpiration and evaporation from crop and soil. The leaf area of the potatoes was larger below the PV modules which indicates an adapted light harvesting capability. Night-time temperatures were not seen to be improved under the agrovoltaic checkerboard structure, which indicates that this arrangement may not provide much protection against frost.