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Publication date: 2020-01-01
Volume: 58 Pages: 384 - 393
Publisher: International Rhinologic Society


Prokopakis, Emmanuel
Vardouniotis, Alexios ; Bachert, Claus ; Bousquet, Jean ; Carrie, Sean ; Castelnuevo, Paolo ; Constantinidis, Jannis ; Fokkens, Wytske ; Hopkins, Claire ; Leunig, Andreas ; Molteni, Gabriele ; Mullol, Joaquim ; Scadding, Glenis ; Seys, Sven ; Marien, Gert ; Doulaptsi, Maria ; Hellings, Peter


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Otorhinolaryngology, EUFOREA, debates, AIT, biologicals, CRSwNP, asthma, 3D, integrated care pathways, ADULT CHRONIC RHINOSINUSITIS, ENDOSCOPIC SINUS SURGERY, ALLERGIC RHINITIS, ASTHMA, IMMUNOTHERAPY, MANAGEMENT, EVOLUTION, IMPACT, LIFE, Animals, Asthma, Humans, Hypersensitivity, Nasal Surgical Procedures, Precision Medicine, 1103 Clinical Sciences, 3202 Clinical sciences, 3203 Dentistry


The third Rhinology Future Debates was organized by the European Forum for Research and Education in Allergy and Airways diseases (EUFOREA) in 2018 in Brussels. Experts from different specialties and countries, alongside patients, health policy makers and industry representatives discussed relevant topics in Rhinology, in an attempt to improve current clinical practices, through implementation of precision medicine, by empowering patients' participation and the use of eHealth tools. The debates which are available on-line ( dealt with 5 topics in Rhinology: the adoption of allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) by implementing change management strategies, the needs and obstacles in care delivery in respiratory diseases, 3D technology in nose and sinus surgery, ambulatory nasal surgery, and clinical evidence for efficacy of biologicals in CRSwNP and asthma. This report summarizes the outcomes of the brainstorming sessions highlighting novel approaches and unmet needs in the field of respiratory diseases by focusing on integrated care pathways.