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IFORS - International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Date: 2017/07/17 - 2017/07/21, Location: Québec City (Québec, Canada)

Publication date: 2017-07-01
Pages: 121 - 121
Publisher: IFORS - International Federation of Operational Research Societies

Conference Handbook 21st Conference of the International Federation of Research Societies ( (p. 121)


De Brucker, Klaas


Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Decision Theory and Analysis, Public Transport and Traffic


To enhance modal shift from car to public transport, policymakers promote the idea of intermodality (i.e. using different modes of transport on one journey). One technique aimed at facilitating intermodality in public transport is ticket integration, allowing passengers to use several modes of public transport operated by different operators in a single city, region or country using a single ticket. In this contribution we use multi-criteria analysis (MCA) to identify challenges associated with projects promoting ticket integration. Based on a literature review, an analysis of case studies (London, Paris, the Netherlands, Stockholm and Brussels) and interviews, we conduct a preliminary multi-actor MCA. First, we identify the relevant stakeholders and the objectives they want to achieve through projects linked to ticket integration. The objectives are clustered so as to correspond to the goals pursued by particular stakeholders in the decision-making process. Based on the literature and case studies we discuss alternative ways of implementing ticket integration. Three main categories can be identified: technical integration, commercial integration and full integration. Stakeholder concerns identified include revenue sharing, access to big data and privacy issues. The MCA will be used to evaluate and learn from existing alternatives in order to design better systems that fully support intermodality and contribute to stakeholders’ objectives in the future.