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eCAADe, Date: 2016/08/24 - 2016/08/26, Location: Oulu

Publication date: 2016-08-01
Pages: 63 - 68
ISSN: 9789491207105
Publisher: eCAADe and Oulu School of Architecture, University of Oulu

Complexity, Simplicity


Zupanzic, Tadeja
Verbeke, Johan ; Achten, Henri ; Herneoja, Aulikki


Arts & Humanities, Science & Technology, Technology, Architecture, Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications, Computer Science, digital leadership, research by design, creative practice, design research, impact


Leadership is an important quality in organisations. Leadership is needed to introduce change and innovation. In our opinion, in architectural and design practices, the role of leadership has not yet been sufficiently studied, especially when it comes to the role of digital tools and media. With this paper, we intend to initiate a discussion in the eCAADe community to reflect and develop ideas in order to develop digital leadership skills amongst the membership. This paper introduces some important aspects, which may be valuable to look into when developing digital leadership skills.