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EFSA Journal

Publication date: 2013-03-01
Volume: 11
Publisher: Wiley


Aguilar, Fernando
Crebelli, Riccardo ; Dusemund, Birgit ; Galtier, Pierre ; Gott, David ; Gundert-Remy, Ursula ; Koenig, Juergen ; lambre, Claude ; Leblanc, Jean-Charles ; Mortensen, Alicja ; Mosesso, Pasquale ; Oskarsson, Agneta ; Parent-Massin, Dominique ; Rose, Martin ; Stankovic, Ivan ; Tobback, Paul ; Waalkens-Berendsen, Ine ; Woutersen, Rudolf Antonius ; Wright, Matthew


Science & Technology, Life Sciences & Biomedicine, Food Science & Technology, Iodized ethyl esters of poppy seed oil, ethyl esters of iodinated fatty acids of poppy seed oil