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Theology at the Crossroads of University, Church and Society: Dialogue, Difference and Catholic Identity

Publication date: 2016-01-01
ISSN: 9780567672209
Publisher: Bloomsbury; London


Boeve, Lieven


Theology, Dialogue, Difference, Catholic Identity, University, Church, Society, Religious Studies, Arts & Humanities, Religion


In recent years, I have been challenged to think about theology’s place at the university, in the Church and in culture and society. Indeed, it appears theology has been pushed to the margin in each of these places. Rather than being defensive, or reactionary, I advocate for a theology which deals, without resentment, with this marginalisation and self-confidently stands at the crossroads of university, Church and society, in dialogue with each of them. I hold the same way of thought, as well, when I reflect on the identity of Catholic institutions today. In the present context of detraditionalisation and pluralisation, I argue that there is no necessary contradiction between being catholic and pluralist. Meeting with the religious other need not lead to less identity; rather, it can lead to more. To take one’s place in the dialogue ‒ being challenged by difference ‒ is the mission of the theologian, as well as the assignment of whoever intends to constitute Catholic identity in the contemporary context